Technical specifications
-, footer, lang, value)
add_graphs returns the charts div in the dashboard page
- Parameters:
data – the cached data of the charts as returned by download_data
footer – the footer div generated by download_data
lang – the language selected in the dropdown
value – anyvalue that controls the behaviour of the spinner
- Returns:
html.Div with the charts loaded in the cache
- dict, chart_id: str, df_metadata: list, df: pandas.DataFrame, valuelist: list)[source]
create_chart_item returns the HTML div for the info and table buttons
- Parameters:
data – dict: the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML
chart_id – str: the unique chart ID which correspond to the row and the sequential number (int) of the chart as specified in the YAML
df_metadata – list: the list of metadata associated with the chart
df – pd.DataFrame: the DataFrame associated with the chart ID
- Returns:
html.Div with the info and table buttons
Create the download section of the offcanvas
- Parameters:
chart_id – reference chart
- Returns:
dashboard component with download section
Create chart download button
- Parameters:
chart_id – reference chart
- Returns:
html element with the download button
- pandas.DataFrame, concept: str, chart_id: str, valuelist)[source]
update_filter_output updates the filter dropdown for the data
- Args:
n_clicks: the clicks on the filter dropdown data: a pd.DataFrame with the data without any fikter applied
- Returns:
data: a dictionary with the data filtered
Create chart info button
- Parameters:
chart_id – reference chart
- Returns:
html element with the info button
-, chart_id, df_metadata)[source]
Create an off-canvas user interface component for displaying dataflow metadata
- Parameters:
data – the chart datastructure
chart_id – reference chart
df_metadata – metadata for the chart
- Returns:
the offcanvas element shown on info button click
-, chart_id, df, valuelist)[source]
Create the table offcanvas element of the dashboard. The structure depends on whether the data can be downloaded or not.
- Parameters:
data – the chart data structure
chart_id – reference chart
df – the chart data
valuelist – values for filtering
- Returns:
the offcanvas element shown when the table button is clicked
- str, df: pandas.DataFrame)[source]
create_table returns the Dash DataTable to be displayed in the offcanvas and exported.
- Parameters:
chart_id – str: the unique chart ID which correspond to the row and the sequential number (int) of the chart as specified in the YAML
df – pd.DataFrame: the pd.DataFrame associated with the chart ID
- Returns:
Dash DataTable
Create chart table button
- Parameters:
chart_id – reference chart
- Returns:
html element with the table button
-, header: str, href=False)[source]
create_toast returns the dbc.Toast with the statistic metadata set in the YAML
- Parameters:
data – the corresponding value of the chart as specified in the YAML
header – str: the corresponding key associated to each chart in the YAML file
href – bool: whether the text shall be encoded as link
- Returns:
dbc.Toast with the statistic metadata, Unit and source (DATA) set in the YAML
- async[source]
Download chart data asyncronously
- Parameters:
chart_per_rows – output of get_rows()
- Returns:
chart data and metadata, split in row lists
-, value)
download_data returns the cached data and the footer required to build the charts_div and footer_div
- Parameters:
settings – the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML
value – any value that controls the behaviour of the spinner
- Returns:
a dictionary with the cached data required to build the charts_div, the footer, the spinners 1 and 2
- async, row: int, pos: int)[source]
Download data and metadata for a single chart
- Parameters:
data_chart – the settings of the single chart
z – int: Row number
y – int: Position in row
- Returns:
dict with chart settings and data
- async, data, concept)[source]
Download data for a single chart
- Parameters:
chart_id – the chart ID corresponding to row number and position in row
data – the DATA link specified in the YAML file
concept – the concept specified in the YAML file
- Returns:
list of couroutines with downloaded data as pd.DataFrame
-, data)
download_table returns the export table in CSV.
- Parameters:
n_clicks – int: the number of times that the list-download chart-id has been clicked on
data – the DataTable returned by create_table()
- Returns:
triggers dcc.send_data_frame to download the table as CSV
-, chart)[source]
Generate the chart element
- Parameters:
df – the pandas.DataFrame containing data
chart – the chart settings loaded from the yaml file
- Raises:
ValueError – in case x or y axis is not specified.
- Returns:
the html element containing the graph
Generate the footer from the YAML file
- Parameters:
data – a dictionary with settings from the YAML file
key – str: the key (FOOTER) from settings from the YAML file
- Returns:
a html.Span with the footer of the dashboard as specified in the YAML file
-, key: str)[source]
Generate the title from the YAML file
- Parameters:
data – a dictionary with settings from the YAML file
key – str: the key (TITLE) from settings from the YAML file
- Returns:
a html.Span with the title of the dashboard as specified in the YAML file
Apply snake case to the DashID from the YAML file settings
- Parameters:
i – a dictionary with settings from the YAML file
- Returns:
a string with the snaked cased DashId
Return the title to the dashboard and control the behaviour of the loading spinner
- Parameters:
data – a dictionary with settings from the YAML file
- Returns:
a html.Span with the title of the dashboard and an integer that controls the behaviour of the loading spinner
-, meta)[source]
Create metadata element and fall back on data title
- Parameters:
data – the chart data structure
meta – the metadata
- Returns:
html element with metadata or title
-, code, chart)[source]
Build the icon for KPI card
- Parameters:
kpi – The ChartGenerator kpi object
code – the code of the element used as subtitle in the KPI card
chart – The chart settings
- Returns:
The html element containing the kpi icon
Get the language code as returned by the callback
- Parameters:
*args –
the language code clicked in the dropdown
- Returns:
string with the language code requested which is cached
- dict, max_charts_per_row: int = 3)[source]
get_rows returns the distribution of the charts per row in the dashboard
- Parameters:
data – dict: the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML
max_charts_per_row – int: the maximum charts per row (Default value = 3)
- Returns:
list with the distribution of the charts per row
-, chart_id, df_metadata, df, valuelist)[source]
get_static_metatada returns the HTML div for the info and table buttons
- Parameters:
chart – the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML
chart_id – the unique chart ID which correspond to the row and the sequential number (int) of the chart as specified in the YAML
df_metadata – the list of metadata associated with the chart
df – the pd.DataFrame associated with the chart ID
- Returns:
html.Div with the dbc.CardBody containing the title, subtitle and the buttons (table and info)
-, code, chart)[source]
Build the text for KPI card
- Parameters:
kpi – the ChartGenerator kpi object
code – the code of the element used as subtitle in the KPI card
chart – the chart settings
- Returns:
the html element with the kpi text
Get a dictionary with entries with Row == 0 specified in the YAML file
- Parameters:
data – a dictionary with settings from the YAML file
- Returns:
a dictionary with the title and footer, or any other entry with Row == 0 in the YAML file
Load a dictionary with the settings from the YAML file and a boolean on whether the settings are loaded
- Parameters:
yaml_file – the relative path of the YAML file
- Returns:
a dictionary with the settings and a boolean when the loading is completed
-, filename)
update_output returns a dictionary with the settings from the uploaded YAML file and a boolean on whether the settings are loaded :param uploaded_file: the path of the YAML file :returns: a dictionary with the settings and a boolean when the loading is completed
- str)
Get the location of the YAML file whose dashID matches the string provided in the href of the URL
- Parameters:
href – str: the dashID
- Returns:
a string with the location of the requested YAML file
- str, folder: str = None) dict [source]
Load the settings from the YAML file
- Parameters:
filename – str: the YAML file
folder – str, optional: the YAML file folder location
- Returns:
a dictionary with loaded settings from the YAML file
Open metadata offcanvas on click if closed
Open table offcanvas on click
- Parameters:
click – a boolean that controls the behabiour of the off-canvas
- Returns:
the offcanvas element shown on button click
- int, is_open: bool, is_loaded: bool)
Control the behaviour of the toggle menu of the settings
- Parameters:
n – int: the cumulative number of clicks since the start of the session
is_open – bool: whether the toggle menu is open
is_loaded – bool: whether the settings are loaded
- Returns:
a boolean to control the behaviour of the toggle menu of the settings
- int, close_clicks: int, is_open: bool)
Control the behaviour of the modal (Info)
- Parameters:
open_clicks – int: the cumulative number of clicks to open the modal
close_clicks – int: the cumulative number of clicks to close the modal
is_open – bool: whether the modal is open
- Returns:
a boolean that contol the behaviour of the modal (Info)
-, data, values)
create_filter_dropdown creates the filter dropdown for the data
- Args:
df: pd.DataFrame containg the data concept: the legendConcept as specified in the YAML file chart_id: the chart ID valuelist: the valuelist containing the unique values of the legendConcept
- Returns:
html.Div: a dcc.Dropdown and a dbc.Button containing the values to filter
Module providing graphing utilities
- class src.draw.ChartGenerator[source]
Initialize a ChartGenerator instance with an empty Plotly figure.
This constructor initializes a ChartGenerator instance with an empty Plotly figure, which can be used to create various types of charts.
- bar_chart(df, xAxisConcept, yAxisConcept, color=None, group_by=None, aggregation=None)[source]
Create a bar chart.
- Parameters:
df – pd.DataFrame: the input containing bar chart data.
xAxisConcept – str: the concept for the x-axis data.
yAxisConcept – str: the concept for the y-axis data.
group_by – str, optional: the column to group by for grouped bar charts.
- Returns:
self: the ChartGenerator instance.
- calculate_kpi(df, yAxisConcept, xAxisConcept, legendConcept, decimals=2, aggregation=None, group_by=None)[source]
Calculate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on the provided DataFrame.
- Parameters:
df – pd.DataFrame: the DataFrame containing the data.
xAxisConcept – str: the concept for the x-axis data.
yAxisConcept – str: the concept for the y-axis data.
legendConcept – str: the column name representing the legend
group_by – str, optional: the column to group data by.
decimals – int, optional: the number of decimals for rounding Y-axis (Default value = 2)
aggregation – str, optional: the aggregation to apply to Y-axis data.
- Returns:
dict: a dictionary containing legend values as keys
- Raises:
ValueError – If any of the specified columns are not found, if ‘legendConcept’ is None, or if invalid aggregation options are provided.
- pie_chart(df, xAxisConcept, yAxisConcept, group_by=None, LabelsYN=None, aggregation=None)[source]
Create a pie chart.
- Parameters:
df – pd.DataFrame: the input DataFrame containing pie chart data.
xAxisConcept – str: the concept for the x-axis data.
yAxisConcept – str: the concept for the y-axis data.
group_by – str, optional: the column to group by for multiple pie charts.
- Returns:
self: the ChartGenerator instance.
- time_series_chart(df, xAxisConcept, yAxisConcept, color=None, group_by=None)[source]
Create a time series chart.
- Parameters:
df – DataFrame: the input DataFrame containing time series data.
xAxisConcept – str: the concept for the x-axis data.
yAxisConcept – str: the concept for the y-axis data.
group_by – str, optional: the column to group by for multiline charts.
- Returns:
self: the ChartGenerator instance.
- src.draw.chart_style_decorator(func)[source]
A decorator for applying chart styling and legend positioning to Plotly figures.
- Parameters:
func – function: the original function that generates a Plotly figure.
- Returns:
function: a wrapped function that modifies the figure’s style and legend positioning.
This decorator is used to enhance the appearance of Plotly figures generated by other functions. It allows you to specify the positioning of the legend and applies various style modifications to the figure.
- Example:
@chart_style_decorator def generate_plot(data, legendLoc=”BOTTOM”):
# Create a Plotly figure based on the input data fig = create_figure(data) return fig
# Apply the decorator to the generate_plot function styled_fig = generate_plot(data, legendLoc=”BOTTOM”)
SDMX helpers
Module providing sdmx utilities
- class src.sdmx.SDMXData(data)[source]
A class to get the data from SDMX API in SDMX format
- Parameters:
url_data – the API URL from which to pull the data
- class src.sdmx.SDMXMetadata(components, concept: str = None)[source]
A class to get the metadata from SDMX API in SDMX format
- Parameters:
component – any object compatible with the Component object
concept – a string that denotes the concept to translate
- datastructure_metadata()[source]
Returns a dictionary with the id, dimensions, attributes and measures of the queried DSD
- get_cl()[source]
Returns a Tuple with the name (str), description (str) and model.itemScheme.Code
- get_codelist_name(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Returns a string with the Agency, ID and version of of the codelist or a model.itemScheme.Codelist if all descendants are included in the SDMX URL call
- get_codelists()[source]
Returns a model.itemScheme.Codelist
- parse_message(component_type)[source]
Parses the appropriate component and returns children artefacts.
- Parameters:
component_type – a string that can only take the following values: Dataflows, Codelists, DataStructures, Concepts
- Returns:
a dictionary with the children artefacts associated to a component type.
- src.sdmx.get_cl_item_name(items, item)[source]
get_cl_item_name returns a string with code name
- Parameters:
items – a dictionary with the codes of the codelist
item – a string with the code name
- Returns:
the code name
- src.sdmx.get_components(url: str, descendants: bool = True)[source]
Retrieve a dictionary with the SDMX data
- Parameters:
url – str: the API URL from which to pull the data
descendants – bool: whether to include all descendants in the call to the API (Default = True)
- Returns:
dict: a dictionary in JSON format with the data/metadata requested.
- async src.sdmx.get_components_async(url: str, descendants: bool = True)[source]
Asynchronously retrieve a dictionary with the SDMX data
- Parameters:
url – str: the API URL from which to pull the data
descendants – bool: whether to include all descendants in the call to the API (Default = True)
- Returns:
dict: a dictionary in JSON format with the data/metadata requested
- src.sdmx.get_translation(content, locale: str = 'en')[source]
- get_translation returns a translated string, if any language other than is available. Only fr, es, de are currently supported but this list can be easily expanded. If no language is
detected, it defaults back to English
- Parameters:
content – a dictionary of dictionaries to translate
locale – str: the language code (en, es, de, fr); defaults to “en”.
- Returns:
the string translated if any language is available
- src.sdmx.get_url_cl(url_dsd, cl_name)[source]
get_url_cl returns a string with the URL of the codelist
- Parameters:
url_dsd – the API URL of the DSD
cl_name – the Agency, ID and version of the codelist (eg ESTAT:CL_AREA(1.0))
- Returns:
a string with the URL to query against the API
- src.sdmx.retreive_codes_from_data(df, concept, cl_id)[source]
Retrieves metadata codelists from data
- src.sdmx.translate_df(df, concept, items_translated)[source]
translate_df returns a translated Pandas DataFrame
- Parameters:
df – a Pandas DataFrame
concept – a string with the column to translate
items_translated – a dictionary with the codes translated
- Returns:
pd.DataFrame: the translated DataFrame
Module providing generic utilities
- src.utils.cleanhtml(raw_html)[source]
Clean raw html
- Parameters:
raw_html – str: the input to clean
- Returns:
str: the cleaned text
- src.utils.error_box(error: str, e: str = None)[source]
error_box returns a html component with the error box
- Args:
error (str): the error message e (str, optional): the KeyError. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
_type_: a html component with the error box
- src.utils.get_label(names: list, data: list)[source]
get label returns the label for the value in a list of dictionaries
- Args:
names (list): _description_ data (list): _description_
- Returns:
list: a list with the matched pairs