Source code for

import asyncio
import base64
import glob
import io
import os
import platform
from itertools import islice

import dash
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import pandas as pd
from dash import ALL, MATCH, Dash, Input, Output, State, callback, ctx, dcc, html
from dash.dash_table import DataTable
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
from furl import furl

import yaml
from src.draw import ChartGenerator
from src.sdmx import (
from src.utils import cleanhtml, error_box, snake_case, validate_yamlfile

external_stylesheets = [


app = Dash(
            "name": "viewport",
            "content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0",

app.title = "SDMX Dashboard Generator"
application = app.server

dash.register_page("Home", layout="Home", path="/")

app.layout = html.Div(
        dcc.Location(id="url", refresh=False),
            brand="SDMX Dashboard Generator.\
                A web application for SMDX data and metadata rendering",
                        dbc.DropdownMenuItem("English", id="en"),
                        dbc.DropdownMenuItem("Français", id="fr"),
                        dbc.DropdownMenuItem("Deutsch", id="de"),
                        dbc.DropdownMenuItem("Español", id="es"),
                    children=[html.I(className="fa fa-cog")],
                    children=[html.I(className="bi bi-info-circle")],
                        dbc.ModalHeader(dbc.ModalTitle("SDMX Dashboard Generator")),
                                        html.B("SDMX Dashboard Generator"),
                                        " is an open-source Dash \
                            application that generates dynamic dashboards by\
                            pulling data and metadata from SDMX Rest API. \
                            It supports the version 2.1 of the standard.",
                                        "It leverages the open-source library SDMXthon\
                            to retrieve and parse data and metadata in SDMX.\
                            A dashboard is composed of several visualizations \
                            as defined by the specifications provided in \
                            a .yaml file stored in the /yaml folder.",
                                        "The full documentation is available at ",
                                            ["GitHub Pages"],
                                "Close", id="close", className="ms-auto", n_clicks=0
                                        "Drag and drop or ",
                                        html.A("select the configuration YAML file"),
                                    "width": "100%",
                                    "height": "60px",
                                    "lineHeight": "60px",
                                    "borderWidth": "1px",
                                    "borderStyle": "dashed",
                                    "borderRadius": "5px",
                                    "textAlign": "center",
                                    "margin": "10px",

    Output("locale", "data"),
        Input("en", "n_clicks"),
        Input("fr", "n_clicks"),
        Input("de", "n_clicks"),
        Input("es", "n_clicks"),
def get_language(*args):
    """Get the language code as returned by the callback

    :param *args: the language code clicked in the dropdown
    :returns: string with the language code requested which is cached


    ctx = dash.callback_context
    if not ctx.triggered:
        button_id = "en"
        button_id = ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]

    return button_id

    Output("collapse", "is_open"),
    Input("collapse-button", "n_clicks"),
    Input("is_loaded", "data"),
    [State("collapse", "is_open")],
def toggle_collapse(n: int, is_open: bool, is_loaded: bool):
    """Control the behaviour of the toggle menu
    of the settings

    :param n: int: the cumulative number of clicks since the start of the session
    :param is_open: bool: whether the toggle menu is open
    :param is_loaded: bool: whether the settings are loaded
    :returns: a boolean to control the behaviour of the toggle menu of the settings


    if is_loaded:
        is_open = False
    elif n:
        is_open = True
    return is_open

    Output("modal", "is_open"),
    [Input("open", "n_clicks"), Input("close", "n_clicks")],
    [State("modal", "is_open")],
def toggle_modal(open_clicks: int, close_clicks: int, is_open: bool):
    """Control the behaviour of the modal (Info)

    :param open_clicks: int: the cumulative number of clicks to open the modal
    :param close_clicks: int: the cumulative number of clicks to close the modal
    :param is_open: bool: whether the modal is open
    :returns: a boolean that contol the behaviour of the modal (Info)


    if open_clicks or close_clicks:
        return not is_open
    return is_open

[docs] def load_yamlfile(filename: str, folder: str = None) -> dict: """Load the settings from the YAML file :param filename: str: the YAML file :param folder: str, optional: the YAML file folder location :returns: a dictionary with loaded settings from the YAML file """ try: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) if folder: fpath = os.path.join(path, folder, filename) else: fpath = os.path.join(path, filename) with open(fpath, encoding="utf-8") as f: settings = yaml.safe_load(f) return settings except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) except Exception as e: print(e) raise PreventUpdate from e
@callback( Output("settings", "data"), Output("is_loaded", "data"), Output("yaml_file_invalid", "children"), Input("upload-data", "contents"), State("upload-data", "filename"), ) def load_content_uploaded(uploaded_file, filename): """update_output returns a dictionary with the settings from the uploaded YAML file and a boolean on whether the settings are loaded :param uploaded_file: the path of the YAML file :returns: a dictionary with the settings and a boolean when the loading is completed """ if uploaded_file is None: raise PreventUpdate elif ".yaml" not in filename: raise PreventUpdate try: content_type, content_string = uploaded_file.split(",") decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string) data = yaml.safe_load(io.BytesIO(decoded)) validation = validate_yamlfile(data) if validation: out = None, None, error_box(f"Invalid YAML file. Error:{validation.code}") else: is_loaded = True out = data, is_loaded, "" return out except Exception as e: print(e) raise PreventUpdate from e @callback( Output("yaml_file", "data"), [Input("url", "href")], prevent_initial_call=True ) def load_yaml(href: str): """Get the location of the YAML file whose dashID matches the string provided in the href of the URL :param href: str: the dashID :returns: a string with the location of the requested YAML file """ try: files = glob.glob(r"yaml/*.yaml") yaml_files = [] for file in files: yaml_content = load_yamlfile(file) dash_file_map = {"dash_id": yaml_content["DashID"], "location": file} yaml_files.append(dash_file_map) f = furl(href) dash_id_url = str(f.path) dash_id_url_s = "".join(dash_id_url.split("/", 1)) if dash_id_url == "/": raise PreventUpdate yaml_location = "".join( [d["location"] for d in yaml_files if d["dash_id"] == dash_id_url_s] ) return yaml_location except Exception as e: print(e) @callback( Output("settings", "data", allow_duplicate=True), Output("is_loaded", "data", allow_duplicate=True), Output("yaml_file_invalid", "children", allow_duplicate=True), [Input("yaml_file", "data")], prevent_initial_call=True, ) def load_content(yaml_file): """Load a dictionary with the settings from the YAML file and a boolean on whether the settings are loaded :param yaml_file: the relative path of the YAML file :returns: a dictionary with the settings and a boolean when the loading is completed """ try: if yaml_file is None: raise PreventUpdate data = load_yamlfile(yaml_file) validation = validate_yamlfile(data) if validation: out = None, None, error_box(f"Invalid YAML file. Error:{validation.code}") else: is_loaded = True out = data, is_loaded, "" return out except Exception as e: print(e) raise PreventUpdate from e @callback( Output("url", "pathname"), Input("settings", "data"), prevent_initial_call=True ) def get_dash_id(i): """Apply snake case to the DashID from the YAML file settings :param i: a dictionary with settings from the YAML file :returns: a string with the snaked cased DashId """ if i is None: raise PreventUpdate try: return snake_case(i["DashID"]) except Exception as e: print(e) return str(e)
[docs] def generate_title(data, key: str): """Generate the title from the YAML file :param data: a dictionary with settings from the YAML file :param key: str: the key (TITLE) from settings from the YAML file :returns: a html.Span with the title of the dashboard as specified in the YAML file """ try: dash_title_footer = get_title_footer(data) element1 = "".join( [d["Title"] for d in dash_title_footer if d["chartType"] == key] ) element2 = "".join( [d["Subtitle"] for d in dash_title_footer if d["chartType"] == key] ) if element2: element = html.Span( [ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H1(element1, style={"textAlign": "center"}), html.H4(element2, style={"textAlign": "center"}), html.Br(), ] ) else: element = html.Span( [ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H1(element1, style={"textAlign": "center"}), html.Br(), ] ) return element except Exception as e: print(e) return str(e)
@callback( Output("title_div", "children"), Output("spinner", "data"), Input("settings", "data"), prevent_initial_call=True, ) def get_dashboard_title(data): """Return the title to the dashboard and control the behaviour of the loading spinner :param data: a dictionary with settings from the YAML file :returns: a html.Span with the title of the dashboard and an integer that controls the behaviour of the loading spinner """ if data is None: raise PreventUpdate try: title = generate_title(data["Rows"], key="TITLE") spinner = "" return title, spinner except Exception as e: print(e) return str(e)
[docs] def get_text_kpi(kpi, code, chart): """Build the text for KPI card :param kpi: the ChartGenerator kpi object :param code: the code of the element used as subtitle in the KPI card :param chart: the chart settings :returns: the html element with the kpi text """ try: unit_show = chart["UnitShow"] except Exception as e: print(e) unit_show = None if unit_show == "Yes": out = html.P( [ html.H2( [str(kpi[code][1]) + " " + chart["Unit"]], className="card-title", style={"text-align": "center"}, ) ] ) else: out = html.P( [ html.H2( [str(kpi[code][1])], className="card-title", style={"text-align": "center"}, ) ] ) return out
[docs] def get_icon_kpi(kpi, code, chart): """Build the icon for KPI card :param kpi: The ChartGenerator kpi object :param code: the code of the element used as subtitle in the KPI card :param chart: The chart settings :returns: The html element containing the kpi icon """ try: unit_icon = chart["UnitIcon"] except Exception as e: print(e) unit_icon = None if unit_icon: out = [ html.P(html.I(className=unit_icon), style={"text-align": "center"}), html.H5( str(kpi[code][0]), className="card-title", style={"text-align": "center"}, ), get_text_kpi(kpi, code, chart), ] else: out = [ html.H5( str(kpi[code][0]), className="card-title", style={"text-align": "center"}, ), get_text_kpi(kpi, code, chart), ] return out
[docs] def draw_chart(df, chart): """Generate the chart element :param df: the pandas.DataFrame containing data :param chart: the chart settings loaded from the yaml file :raises ValueError: in case x or y axis is not specified. :returns: the html element containing the graph """ error_message = "Error in fetching the data, please check the YAML file: " if chart["xAxisConcept"] is None or chart["yAxisConcept"] is None: raise ValueError("Please provide xAxisConcept") chart_type = chart["chartType"] config = {"displayModeBar": False} if df.empty or not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): return error_box("Data is empty. Please check the YAML file") if chart_type == "VALUE": try: kpi = ChartGenerator().calculate_kpi( df, yAxisConcept=chart["yAxisConcept"], xAxisConcept=chart["xAxisConcept"], legendConcept=chart["legendConcept"], decimals=chart["Decimals"], ) code = list(kpi.keys())[0] return dbc.Col( dbc.CardBody( get_icon_kpi(kpi, code, chart), className="shadow-lg p-3 mb-5 bg-transparent rounded", ) ) except Exception as e: return error_box("Something went wrong. Please check the YAML file: ", e) else: try: if chart_type == "PIE": fig = ChartGenerator().pie_chart( df, yAxisConcept=chart["yAxisConcept"], xAxisConcept=chart["xAxisConcept"], legendLoc=chart["legendLoc"], LabelsYN=chart["LabelsYN"], ) elif chart_type == "BAR": fig = ChartGenerator().bar_chart( df, yAxisConcept=chart["yAxisConcept"], xAxisConcept=chart["xAxisConcept"], color=chart["legendConcept"], legendLoc=chart["legendLoc"], ) else: fig = ChartGenerator().time_series_chart( df, yAxisConcept=chart["yAxisConcept"], xAxisConcept=chart["xAxisConcept"], color=chart["legendConcept"], legendLoc=chart["legendLoc"], ) return dbc.Col( html.Div( dbc.CardBody( dcc.Graph(figure=fig, config=config), className="shadow-lg p-3 mb-5 bg-transparent rounded", ) ), align="start", ) except Exception as e: return dbc.Col( html.Div(dbc.CardBody([html.P(str(error_message + str(e)))])) )
@callback( Output({"type": "off-canvas", "index": MATCH}, "is_open"), Input({"type": "list-item", "index": MATCH}, "n_clicks"), prevent_initial_call=True, ) def open_metadata_offcanvas(click): """Open metadata offcanvas on click if closed""" open_offcanvas = bool(click) return open_offcanvas
[docs] def create_info_button(chart_id): """Create chart info button :param chart_id: reference chart :returns: html element with the info button """ return html.Span( html.I(className="bi bi-info-circle-fill", id=chart_id), n_clicks=0, style={"cursor": "pointer"}, id="open-offcanvas", )
[docs] def create_table_button(chart_id): """Create chart table button :param chart_id: reference chart :returns: html element with the table button """ return html.Span( html.I(className="bi bi-table", id=chart_id), n_clicks=0, style={"cursor": "pointer"}, )
[docs] def create_download_button(chart_id): """Create chart download button :param chart_id: reference chart :returns: html element with the download button """ return html.Span( html.I( className="bi bi-download", id={"type": "list-download", "index": chart_id} ), n_clicks=0, style={"cursor": "pointer"}, )
[docs] def get_dataflow_metadata(data, meta): """Create metadata element and fall back on data title :param data: the chart data structure :param meta: the metadata :returns: html element with metadata or title """ if meta: if meta[1]: return html.Div( [html.H2(meta[0]), html.Div(children=[html.P([cleanhtml(meta[1])])])] ) if meta[0]: return html.Div([html.H2(meta[0])]) else: try: return dbc.CardHeader(data["Title"]) except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] def create_offcanvas(data, chart_id, df_metadata): """Create an off-canvas user interface component for displaying dataflow metadata :param data: the chart datastructure :param chart_id: reference chart :param df_metadata: metadata for the chart :returns: the offcanvas element shown on info button click """ try: return html.Div( [ dbc.Offcanvas( [get_dataflow_metadata(data, df_metadata)], id={"type": "off-canvas", "index": chart_id}, is_open=False, scrollable=True, ) ] ) except Exception as e: print(e) return html.Div(data["Title"])
@callback( Output({"type": "off-canvas2", "index": MATCH}, "is_open"), Input({"type": "list-item2", "index": MATCH}, "n_clicks"), prevent_initial_call=True, ) def open_table_offcanvas(click): """Open table offcanvas on click :param click: a boolean that controls the behabiour of the off-canvas :returns: the offcanvas element shown on button click """ open_offcanvas = bool(click) return open_offcanvas
[docs] def create_download(chart_id): """Create the download section of the offcanvas :param chart_id: reference chart :returns: dashboard component with download section """ listgroup_item_down = dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.P( [ "Click the icon to download the table :", html.Br(), create_download_button(chart_id), ], n_clicks=0, ) ], id={"type": "list-download", "index": chart_id}, n_clicks=0, className="border-0 text-nowrap list-group-item-action", ) toast = dbc.Col( [ html.Div( [ dbc.Toast( [html.P(listgroup_item_down, className="mb-0")], header="Download", ) ] ) ] ) return toast
[docs] def create_filter_dropdown(df: pd.DataFrame, concept: str, chart_id: str, valuelist): """update_filter_output updates the filter dropdown for the data Args: n_clicks: the clicks on the filter dropdown data: a pd.DataFrame with the data without any fikter applied Returns: data: a dictionary with the data filtered """ try: if len(valuelist) > 1: try: lst_value = list(set(list(df[concept + "_id"]))) return html.Div( [ dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( dcc.Dropdown( valuelist, lst_value, multi=True, id={"type": "list-dropdown", "index": chart_id}, ), width=9, ), dbc.Col( dbc.Button( "OK", id={ "type": "list-dropdown-btn", "index": chart_id, }, n_clicks=0, size="sm", ), width=1, ), ] ) ] ) except Exception: return html.Div("") else: return html.Div("") except Exception: return html.Div("")
@callback( Output("get_data", "data", allow_duplicate=True), Input({"type": "list-dropdown-btn", "index": ALL}, "n_clicks"), Input("get_data_complete", "data"), State({"type": "list-dropdown", "index": ALL}, "value"), prevent_initial_call=True, ) def update_output(n_clicks, data, values): """create_filter_dropdown creates the filter dropdown for the data Args: df: pd.DataFrame containg the data concept: the legendConcept as specified in the YAML file chart_id: the chart ID valuelist: the valuelist containing the unique values of the legendConcept Returns: html.Div: a dcc.Dropdown and a dbc.Button containing the values to filter """ if sum(filter(None, n_clicks)) == 0: raise PreventUpdate chart_id = ctx.triggered_id.index row = int(chart_id[0]) pos = int(chart_id[1]) states_list = ctx.states_list[0] val = [i["value"] for i in states_list if i["id"]["index"] == chart_id][0] legendConcept = data[row][pos]["settings"]["legendConcept"] df = pd.DataFrame(data[row][pos]["data"]) df_filtered = df.loc[df[legendConcept].isin(val)] data[row][pos]["data"] = df_filtered.to_dict("records") return data
[docs] def create_offcanvas_table(data, chart_id, df, valuelist): """Create the table offcanvas element of the dashboard. The structure depends on whether the data can be downloaded or not. :param data: the chart data structure :param chart_id: reference chart :param df: the chart data :param valuelist: values for filtering :returns: the offcanvas element shown when the table button is clicked """ try: # Check if the data has a "downloadYN" flag set to "Y" for enabling downloads. if data["downloadYN"] == "Yes": # Create an HTML strucesture with an off-canvas element for a chart # with download capability. out = html.Div( [ dbc.Offcanvas( children=[ dbc.Row( [ # Create a column for displaying unit information # and source URL as toasts. dbc.Col( [ create_toast( data=data["Unit"], header="Unit" ), create_toast( data=data["DATA"], header="Source URL", href=True, ), create_download(chart_id), ], align="start", width=3, ), # Create a column for displaying the table # associated with the chart. dbc.Col( [ create_filter_dropdown( df, data["legendConcept"], chart_id, valuelist, ), html.Hr(className="my-2"), create_table(chart_id, df), ], id=chart_id, width=9, ), ], id=chart_id, ) ], id={"type": "off-canvas2", "index": chart_id}, is_open=False, scrollable=True, placement="bottom", style={"height": "500px"}, ) ] ) else: # Create an HTML structure with an off-canvas element for a chart # without download capability. out = html.Div( [ dbc.Offcanvas( children=[ dbc.Row( [ # Create a column for displaying unit information # and source URL as toasts. dbc.Col( [ create_toast(data["Unit"], "Unit"), create_toast(data["DATA"], "Source URL"), ], align="center", width=3, ), # Create a column for displaying the table # associated with the chart. dbc.Col( [create_table(chart_id, df)], id=chart_id, width=9, ), ] ) ], id={"type": "off-canvas2", "index": chart_id}, is_open=False, scrollable=True, placement="bottom", style={"height": "500px"}, ) ] ) return out except Exception as e: # Handle exceptions and print the error message. print(e) return html.Div("")
@callback( Output("download_data", "data"), Input({"type": "list-download", "index": ALL}, "n_clicks"), State({"type": "data_table", "index": ALL}, "data"), prevent_initial_call=True, ) def download_table(n_clicks, data): """download_table returns the export table in CSV. :param n_clicks: int: the number of times that the list-download chart-id has been clicked on :param data: the DataTable returned by create_table() :returns: triggers dcc.send_data_frame to download the table as CSV """ id_tag = ctx.triggered_id.index states_list = ctx.states_list[0] data = [i["value"] for i in states_list if i["id"]["index"] == id_tag][0] if sum(filter(None, n_clicks)) == 0: raise PreventUpdate df = pd.DataFrame(data) return dcc.send_data_frame(df.to_csv, "export_table.csv", index=False)
[docs] def create_table(chart_id: str, df: pd.DataFrame): """create_table returns the Dash DataTable to be displayed in the offcanvas and exported. :param chart_id: str: the unique chart ID which correspond to the row and the sequential number (int) of the chart as specified in the YAML :param df: pd.DataFrame: the pd.DataFrame associated with the chart ID :returns: Dash DataTable """ # Convert the DataFrame to a list of records and configure DataTable return DataTable( data=df.to_dict("records"), id={"type": "data_table", "index": chart_id}, sort_action="native", style_table={"overflowX": "auto"}, style_cell={"backgroundColor": "white", "color": "black"}, style_header={ "backgroundColor": "black", "color": "white", "fontWeight": "bold", } # editable=False # Enable editing # row_deletable=False # Enable row deletion )
[docs] def create_chart_item( data: dict, chart_id: str, df_metadata: list, df: pd.DataFrame, valuelist: list ): """create_chart_item returns the HTML div for the info and table buttons :param data: dict: the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML :param chart_id: str: the unique chart ID which correspond to the row and the sequential number (int) of the chart as specified in the YAML :param df_metadata: list: the list of metadata associated with the chart :param df: pd.DataFrame: the DataFrame associated with the chart ID :returns: html.Div with the info and table buttons """ # Create a list group item with an info button for displaying metadata. listgroup_item = dbc.ListGroupItem( [html.Div([create_info_button(chart_id)])], id={"type": "list-item", "index": chart_id}, n_clicks=0, className="border-0 text-nowrap list-group-item-action", ) # Create a list group item with a table button for displaying chart-related tables. listgroup_item_down = dbc.ListGroupItem( [html.Div([create_table_button(chart_id)])], id={"type": "list-item2", "index": chart_id}, n_clicks=0, className="border-0 text-nowrap list-group-item-action", ) # Check if metadata link exists and metadata is available. if (data["metadataLink"]) and (df_metadata): try: # Create a row with two columns: one for info button and off-canvas, # and another for table button and off-canvas. return dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( html.Div( children=[ listgroup_item, create_offcanvas(data, chart_id, df_metadata), ] ) ), dbc.Col( html.Div( children=[ listgroup_item_down, create_offcanvas_table(data, chart_id, df, valuelist), ] ) ), ] ) except Exception as e: # Handle exceptions and print the error message. print(e) return html.Div([]) else: try: # Create a row with a single column for the table button and off-canvas. return dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ html.Div( [ listgroup_item_down, create_offcanvas_table( data, chart_id, df, valuelist ), ] ) ] ) ] ) except Exception as e: # Handle exceptions and print the error message. print(e) return html.Div([]) return html.Div([])
[docs] def create_toast(data, header: str, href=False): """create_toast returns the dbc.Toast with the statistic metadata set in the YAML :param data: the corresponding value of the chart as specified in the YAML :param header: str: the corresponding key associated to each chart in the YAML file :param href: bool: whether the text shall be encoded as link :returns: dbc.Toast with the statistic metadata, Unit and source (DATA) set in the YAML """ if href: toast = dbc.Col( [ html.Div( [ dbc.Toast( [ html.P( html.A( children=[str(data)], href=str(data), target="_blank", ), className="mb-0", ) ], header=header, ) ] ) ] ) else: toast = dbc.Col( [ html.Div( [dbc.Toast([html.P(str(data), className="mb-0")], header=header)] ) ] ) return toast
[docs] def get_static_metatada(chart, chart_id, df_metadata, df, valuelist): """get_static_metatada returns the HTML div for the info and table buttons :param chart: the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML :param chart_id: the unique chart ID which correspond to the row and the sequential number (int) of the chart as specified in the YAML :param df_metadata: the list of metadata associated with the chart :param df: the pd.DataFrame associated with the chart ID :returns: html.Div with the dbc.CardBody containing the title, subtitle and the buttons (table and info) """ concept = chart["legendConcept"] title_default = str(chart["Title"]) subtitle_default = str(chart["Subtitle"]) if df_metadata: try: if title_default == "None" or title_default is None: title = str(df_metadata[0]) else: title = title_default except Exception as e: print(e) title = title_default try: if subtitle_default == "None" or title_default is None: subtitle = "" elif subtitle_default == "auto": try: subtitle = str(df[concept][0]) if len(set(df[concept + "_id"])) > 1: subtitle = str(df[concept][0] + "...") elif subtitle is None or subtitle == "None": try: if len(set(df[concept + "_id"])) > 0: subtitle = str(df[concept + "_id"][0] + "...") else: subtitle = str(df[concept + "_id"][0]) except Exception as e: print(e) subtitle = "" except Exception as e: print(e) try: subtitle = str(df[concept + "_id"][0]) except Exception as e_n: print(e_n) subtitle = "" else: subtitle = subtitle_default except Exception as e: print(e) subtitle = subtitle_default else: title = title_default subtitle = subtitle_default try: content = dbc.Col( html.Div( dbc.CardBody( id=chart_id, children=[ dbc.Row( html.Div( [ html.H4(title, className="card-title"), html.Div( children=[ html.P( [ subtitle, create_chart_item( chart, chart_id, df_metadata, df, valuelist, ), ], id=chart_id, ), html.Hr(className="my-2"), ] ), ] ), align="end", ) ], ) ), id=chart_id, style={"textAlign": "center"}, align="end", ) except Exception as e: content = dbc.Col( html.Div( dbc.CardBody( id=chart_id, children=[ dbc.Row( html.Div( [ html.H2(title, className="card-title"), html.Div( children=[ html.P( [ subtitle, html.Div(["Error: " + str(e)]), ], id=chart_id, ) ] ), ] ), align="end", ) ], ) ), id=chart_id, style={"textAlign": "center"}, align="end", ) return content
[docs] def get_rows(data: dict, max_charts_per_row: int = 3): """get_rows returns the distribution of the charts per row in the dashboard :param data: dict: the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML :param max_charts_per_row: int: the maximum charts per row (Default value = 3) :returns: list with the distribution of the charts per row """ try: rows = list({i["Row"] for i in data}) charts_per_row = [] for row in rows: charts_in_row = [d for d in data if d["Row"] == row] if len(charts_in_row) > max_charts_per_row: charts_in_row = charts_in_row[:max_charts_per_row] charts_per_row.append(charts_in_row) return charts_per_row except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] async def download_single_data_chart(chart_id, data, concept): """Download data for a single chart :param chart_id: the chart ID corresponding to row number and position in row :param data: the DATA link specified in the YAML file :param concept: the concept specified in the YAML file :returns: list of couroutines with downloaded data as pd.DataFrame """ print("Getting data", chart_id) try: df = await SDMXData(data=data).get_data_async(yAxisConcept=concept) except Exception as e: print( f"There has been a problem in downloading data for {chart_id}. Error: {e}" ) df = pd.DataFrame return df
[docs] async def download_single_chart(data_chart, row: int, pos: int): """Download data and metadata for a single chart :param data_chart: the settings of the single chart :param z: int: Row number :param y: int: Position in row :returns: dict with chart settings and data """ chart_id = f"{row}{pos}" # Data task = asyncio.create_task( download_single_data_chart( chart_id, data_chart["DATA"], data_chart["yAxisConcept"] ) ) try: df = await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=30) except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: df = pd.DataFrame() print(f"Data download for chart {chart_id} was cancelled due to a timeout") except Exception as e: df = pd.DataFrame() print( f"There has been a problem dowloading data for chart {chart_id}. Error:{e}" ) print("Getting metadata", chart_id) concept = data_chart["legendConcept"] try: # If dsdLink is provided, this increases significantly the overall performance dsdLink = data_chart["dsdLink"] metadata_components = await get_components_async( url=data_chart["metadataLink"], descendants=False ) metadata_dataflow = SDMXMetadata( components=metadata_components ).dataflow_metadata() if concept: components = await get_components_async(dsdLink, descendants=False) cl_name = SDMXMetadata(components, concept=concept).get_codelist_name() cl_url = get_url_cl(dsdLink, cl_name) cl_id_all = await get_components_async(cl_url, descendants=False) cl_id = cl_id_all["Codelists"][cl_name] metadata_codelist = retreive_codes_from_data(df, concept, cl_id) else: metadata_codelist = None # Fallback to descendants but less performant except Exception as e: print(f"Invalid dsdLink for {chart_id}. Falling back to default. Error:{e}") if data_chart["metadataLink"]: # Metadata try: metadata_components = await get_components_async( url=data_chart["metadataLink"] ) # Dataflow metadata_dataflow = SDMXMetadata( components=metadata_components ).dataflow_metadata() # Codelist if concept: cl_id = SDMXMetadata( metadata_components, concept ).get_codelist_name() metadata_codelist = retreive_codes_from_data(df, concept, cl_id) else: metadata_codelist = None except Exception as e_n: print(f"There has been an issue with the metadata. Error{e_n}") metadata_dataflow = { "name": {"en": data_chart["Title"]}, "description": { "en": str( data_chart["Subtitle"] + " Please provide a valid dataflow link\ to retreive the metadata" ) }, } metadata_codelist = None else: metadata_dataflow = { "name": {"en": data_chart["Title"]}, "description": { "en": str(data_chart["Subtitle"]) + " Please add a dataflow link in your configuration file\ to retreive the metadata" }, } metadata_codelist = None try: valuelist_obj = list(set(list(df[concept]))) if df is not None else None except Exception as valuelist_err: print(f"There has been an issue with the metadata. Error{valuelist_err}") valuelist_obj = None result = { "chart_id": chart_id, "settings": data_chart, "data": df.to_dict("records") if df is not None else None, "valuelist": valuelist_obj, "metadata_dataflow": metadata_dataflow, "metadata_codelist": metadata_codelist, } print("Done with", chart_id) return result
[docs] async def download_charts(chart_per_rows): """Download chart data asyncronously :param chart_per_rows: output of get_rows() :returns: chart data and metadata, split in row lists """ all_cors = [] row_lengths = [] for row, chart in enumerate(chart_per_rows): data_charts = list(chart) row_lengths.append(len(data_charts)) for pos, data_chart in enumerate(data_charts): cor = download_single_chart(data_chart, row, pos) all_cors.append(cor) all_charts = await asyncio.gather(*all_cors) all_charts = iter(all_charts) charts_per_r = [list(islice(all_charts, i)) for i in row_lengths] return charts_per_r
@callback( Output("get_data", "data"), Output("get_data_complete", "data"), Output("footer", "data"), Output("spinner-id", "children"), Output("spinner2", "data"), [Input("settings", "data")], Input("spinner", "data"), prevent_initial_call=True, ) def download_data(settings, value): """download_data returns the cached data and the footer required to build the charts_div and footer_div :param settings: the settings of the chart as specified in the YAML :param value: any value that controls the behaviour of the spinner :returns: a dictionary with the cached data required to build the charts_div, the footer, the spinners 1 and 2 """ if settings is None: raise PreventUpdate if settings: charts = [d for d in settings["Rows"] if d["Row"] != 0] chart_per_rows = get_rows(charts) footer = generate_footer(settings["Rows"], key="FOOTER") if platform.system() == "Windows": asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) charts_per_r = spinner = "" return charts_per_r, charts_per_r, footer, value, spinner @callback( Output("charts_div", "children"), Output("footer_div", "children"), Output("spinner-id2", "children"), [Input("get_data", "data")], [Input("footer", "data")], [Input("locale", "data")], Input("spinner2", "data"), prevent_initial_call=True, ) def add_graphs(data, footer, lang, value): """add_graphs returns the charts div in the dashboard page :param data: the cached data of the charts as returned by download_data :param footer: the footer div generated by download_data :param lang: the language selected in the dropdown :param value: anyvalue that controls the behaviour of the spinner :returns: html.Div with the charts loaded in the cache """ global LANG LANG = lang if data is None: raise PreventUpdate if data: try: charts_per_r = [] for data_per_row in data: graphs = [] texts = [] for data_per_row_pos in data_per_row: chart_id = data_per_row_pos["chart_id"] data_chart = data_per_row_pos["settings"] df = pd.DataFrame(data_per_row_pos["data"]) valuelist = data_per_row_pos["valuelist"] metadata_dataflow = data_per_row_pos["metadata_dataflow"] try: metadata_dataflow_translated = [ get_translation(metadata_dataflow[i], lang) for i in list(metadata_dataflow.keys()) ] except Exception as e: print(e) metadata_codelist = data_per_row_pos["metadata_codelist"] if metadata_codelist: try: metadata_codelist_items_translated = { i: get_translation(metadata_codelist["items"][i], lang) for i in list(metadata_codelist["items"].keys()) } except Exception as e: metadata_codelist_items_translated = metadata_codelist print(f"Could not translate codes in codelist. Error:{e}") concept = data_chart["legendConcept"] df = translate_df( df, concept, metadata_codelist_items_translated ) fig = draw_chart(df, data_chart) text = get_static_metatada( data_chart, chart_id, metadata_dataflow_translated, df, valuelist, ) texts.append(text) graphs.append(fig) chart = dbc.Card( [ dbc.Row(texts, className="d-flex justify-content-around"), dbc.Row(graphs, className="d-flex justify-content-around"), ] ) charts_per_r.append(chart) return charts_per_r, footer, value except Exception as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__":, dev_tools_ui=False, dev_tools_props_check=False)