
Main Features

SDMX integration

Version 2.1 supported

Reading of settings file (.yaml) for data and metadata retrieval

Interactive graphs

Plotly for interactive visualization

Multiple charts supported: KPIs, line, pie and bar charts

Open source code

Apache 2.0 licence

Open-source libraries

Flexible design

Position and size automatically adjusted

Bootstrap components to modify themes, icons and incorporate HTML5 elements

Optimized performance

Data and metadata asynchronous retrieval

Caching methods for better user navigation

Dynamic data filtering and download

Data accessible with table format supported by dynamic filters and download export (CSV)

Multilingual support

Multi-lingual metadata to access titles, labels and info buttons in the desired language, when supported by SDMX

Automatic titles and subtitles in multiple languages, when specified by the user

Searchable documentation

Sphinx documentation automatically updated to support the exploration of the material

Documentation deployment via GitHub Actions

Settings validation

Text messages are displayed when exceptions are encountered, to guide with the right configuration of the settings

Software engineering components (i.e. unit tests using pytest, coverage reporting, continuous integration using tox, automated license monitoring, code linting using pylint and flake8)

Security components

Security testing using bandit

Software composition analysis using GitHub Dependabot

Secret scanning using Github Advanced Security


User-independent access within the same company and across countries

Worldwide contribution (feedback and pull requests via Github) are welcome

Future enhancements

Settings in a new tab or dropdown menu

Interactivity (search, simulation)

Add support for other chart types (mix, map, dual-axis, flows, network, outlier)

High-Level Architecture

The Dash application

Source code contained in the file app.py

Can run both on locally or shared across the domain

Follows the guidelines provided in the SDMX Hackathon Global Conference 2023 Terms of Reference (e.g. a maximum of three charts per row is allowed)


Leveraging two classes, SDMXData and SDMXMetadata, built on top of SDMXThon

When supported, metadata retrieval through DSD url (datastructure) to increase the speed performance

Default retrieval through a metadata url (dataflow)

The specification file

The SDMX Dashboard Generator requires a .yaml file with the settings for the dashboard. Please check this example

The ChartGenerator

The ChartGenerator is a class contained in the file src/draw.py, allowing the user to select the chartType from the .yaml file:

  • chartType:VALUE returns a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), a value corresponding to an observation value at a given point in time displayed in the visual placeholder

  • chartType:PIE returns a pie chart composed by the values returned by the query(ies) specified in DATA which sum represents the full circle (360°). Each value defines a sector of x°, proportional to the fraction of the total it represents

  • chartType:LINES returns a lines chart including one or multiple series, either time series or cross-sectional

  • chartType:BARS returns a vertical bars chart including one or multiple series (clustered bars), either time series or cross-sectional

Each function, with the exception of the one returning the KPI, makes use of decorator elements for enriching the chart with style elements.