Getting Started

This page contains useful tips to install and run the app. Make sure that your environment is correctly set up to execute Python code and that your pip and Python are up-to-date. The app has been successfully tested with Python versions equal or higher to 3.9.13.


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. (Recommended) Create virtual environment using virtualenv

    python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install virtualenv
    cd SDMX-dashboard-generator/
    virtualenv venv --system-site-packages

    or if you use virtualenvwrapper

    python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install virtualenvwrapper
    cd SDMX-dashboard-generator/
    mkvirtualenv SDMX-dashboard-generator
    workon SDMX-dashboard-generator
  3. Install dependencies

    python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
    cd SDMX-dashboard-generator
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    If you wish to contribute, you can install the optional development requirements:

    pip install -r requirements/dev_requirements.txt
  4. From the root folder, run the app

  5. Open your browser at if you use Flask or

How To With Examples

Use The Sample Yaml Files

To start with, you may use the sample Yaml files stored in the /yaml folder. For example, just navigate to the ILO dashboard by navigating or if you use Flask. You can also test the BIS dashboard by adding /bis to your Dash url.

Upload The Yaml File

The application comes with examples stored in the /yaml folder which can be used in two ways:

  • by uploading one .yaml file in the interface via drag and drop or

  • by typing the DashID of the dashboard in the URL (i.e. for the eurostat_sample.yaml file which contains DashID: eurostat)

The application will scan the existing content in the yaml subfolder of the project and load the .yaml file containing the requested DashID. If none is found, the app will raise a PreventUpdate.

Example Of Yaml File Settings

Example of .yaml structure (the elements need to follow the indicated order to pass the validation test):

Yaml sample

  • DashID: dashboard identifier using any string composed of numbers, letters, and underscores, which can be used to compose the URL to display the dashboard. For example, if the base URL of the application is and the DashID is eurostat, the dashboard might be displayed at

  • Row: row position of the visual indicated as an integer value 0…3. Up to three charts can share the same row and they are distributed left-right in the order they appear in the specification file. Title, subtitle and footnotes are identified with Row=0 and chartType=TITLE and chartType=FOOTER respectively

  • Title: title description of the chart. If no title is specified, the dashboard shows automatically the name of the requested dataflow, supported by multilingual translation

  • Subtitle: a string to complement the title description of the chart. If auto is provided, the subtitle takes the code name from legendConcept. If more than one code name is available, then it will take the first one and append to it .... If the subtitle node is empty, no subtitle will be shown

  • Unit: a string to describe the unit which can be shown in the chart if UnitShow is set to Yes

  • UnitIcon: a bootstrap icon to be shown on top of the KPI. Full list available at:

  • Decimals: the number of decimals

  • chartType: it can be KPI (i.e. VALUE) or charts (i.e. PIE, LINE and BAR)

  • legendConcept: indicates the dimension that defines multiple series to be displayed in the visualization (e.g. sectors of the pie chart, each of the lines in a lines chart or each cluster in a bar chart)

  • legendloc: indicates the legend location which can be TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT or HIDE for no legend. Not applicable to the KPI

  • LabelsYN: indicates (“Yes”/”No”) whether the description of each category is to be displayed on the chart. Not applicable to the KPI

  • xAxisConcept: indicates the concept to be allocated on the x-axis (e.g. TIME_PERIOD for LINES)

  • yAxisConcept: indicates the concept to be allocated to the y-axis (e.g. OBS_VALUE)

  • downloadYN: indicates (“Yes”/”No”) whether the download of the data behind the chart

  • dsdLink: an URL of an application or file containing related the datastructure data

  • metadataLink: an URL of an application or file containing reference metadata (e.g. used in the info button). This is field is mandatory if dsdLink is provided

  • DATA: an URL of an application or file containing data.