Source code for src.utils

"""Module providing generic utilities"""
import re
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash import html
from schema import Schema, And, Or, Optional, SchemaError

[docs] def snake_case(string: str) -> str: """snake_case returns snake cased string :param string: str: input to be snake cased :returns: the input string snake cased """ return "_".join( re.sub( "([A-Z][a-z]+)", r" \1", re.sub("([A-Z]+)", r" \1", string.replace("-", " ")), ).split() ).lower()
CLEANR = re.compile("<.*?>")
[docs] def cleanhtml(raw_html): """Clean raw html :param raw_html: str: the input to clean :returns: str: the cleaned text """ cleantext = re.sub(CLEANR, "", raw_html) return cleantext
[docs] def get_label(names: list, data: list): """get label returns the label for the value in a list of dictionaries Args: names (list): _description_ data (list): _description_ Returns: list: a list with the matched pairs """ ret_list = [] for name in names: for val in data: if val["value"] == name: result = {"label": val["label"], "value": val["value"]} ret_list.append(result) return ret_list
[docs] def error_box(error: str, e: str = None): """error_box returns a html component with the error box Args: error (str): the error message e (str, optional): the KeyError. Defaults to None. Returns: _type_: a html component with the error box """ if e: msg = f"{error}{e}" else: msg = error return dbc.Col( html.Div( [ html.P(html.I(className="bi bi-emoji-frown h1")), html.Br(), html.P(str(msg)), ], style={"textAlign": "center"}, ) )
valid_schema_title_footer = Schema( { "Row": And(int), "chartType": And(str), "Title": And(str), Optional("Subtitle"): And(str), } ) valid_schema_generic = Schema( { "Row": And(int), "chartType": And(str), "Title": And(Or(str, None)), "Unit": And(Or(str, None)), "legendConcept": And(Or(str, None)), "xAxisConcept": And(Or(str)), "yAxisConcept": And(Or(str)), "metadataLink": And(Or(str, None)), "DATA": And(Or(str, None)), Optional("Subtitle"): And(Or(str, None)), Optional("UnitShow"): And(Or(str, None)), Optional("UnitIcon"): And(Or(str, None)), Optional("unitLoc"): And(Or(str, None)), Optional("Decimals"): And(Or(int, None)), Optional("LabelsYN"): And(Or(str, bool, None)), Optional("downloadYN"): And(Or(str, bool, None)), Optional("legendLoc"): And(Or(str, None)), Optional("dataLink"): And(Or(str, None)), Optional("dsdLink"): And(Or(str, None)), } )
[docs] def validate_yamlfile(file): """validate_yamlfile raises a SchemaError if the YAML is not valid Args: file (_type_): the YAML file Raises: se_ft: title or footer are not valid se: generic element is not valid """ elements_t_f = [d for d in file["Rows"] if d["Row"] == 0] for element_t_f in elements_t_f: try: valid_schema_title_footer.validate(element_t_f) except SchemaError as se_ft: return se_ft elements_generic = [d for d in file["Rows"] if d["Row"] != 0] for element_generic in elements_generic: try: valid_schema_generic.validate(element_generic) return None except SchemaError as error: return error