Source code for src.draw

"""Module providing graphing utilities"""
import functools

import numpy as np
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Define the decorator function with legend positioning
[docs] def chart_style_decorator(func): """A decorator for applying chart styling and legend positioning to Plotly figures. :param func: function: the original function that generates a Plotly figure. :returns: function: a wrapped function that modifies the figure's style and legend positioning. This decorator is used to enhance the appearance of Plotly figures generated by other functions. It allows you to specify the positioning of the legend and applies various style modifications to the figure. Example: @chart_style_decorator def generate_plot(data, legendLoc="BOTTOM"): # Create a Plotly figure based on the input data fig = create_figure(data) return fig # Apply the decorator to the generate_plot function styled_fig = generate_plot(data, legendLoc="BOTTOM") """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Extract the legendLoc from kwargs (default to "HIDE" if not provided) legendLoc = kwargs.get("legendLoc", "HIDE") # Remove the legendLoc from kwargs before calling the original function if "legendLoc" in kwargs: del kwargs["legendLoc"] # Call the original function to obtain the figure object fig = func(*args, **kwargs) # Apply the legend positioning based on legendLoc if legendLoc == "HIDE": fig.update_layout(showlegend=False) # Hide the legend else: if legendLoc == "BOTTOM": # Position the legend at the bottom, centered horizontally, # with a horizontal orientation fig.update_layout( legend=dict(x=0.5, y=-0.2, xanchor="center", orientation="h") ) elif legendLoc == "TOP": # Position the legend at the top, centered horizontally, # with a horizontal orientation fig.update_layout( legend=dict(x=0.5, y=1.1, xanchor="center", orientation="h") ) elif legendLoc == "LEFT": # Position the legend at the left, centered vertically, # with a vertical orientation fig.update_layout( legend=dict(x=-0.1, y=0.5, xanchor="left", orientation="v") ) elif legendLoc == "RIGHT": # Position the legend at the right, centered vertically, # with a vertical orientation fig.update_layout( legend=dict(x=1.1, y=0.5, xanchor="right", orientation="v") ) else: # Default to centering the legend horizontally, # with a horizontal orientation fig.update_layout( legend=dict(x=-0.1, y=0.5, xanchor="center", orientation="h") ) # Update layout properties for the figure fig.update_layout( plot_bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", # Set plot background color transparent paper_bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", # Set paper background color transparent margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=0, b=20), # Adjust margin settings ) # Customize grid appearance for the x and y axes fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=True, gridwidth=0.5, gridcolor="White") fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=True, gridwidth=0.5, gridcolor="White") # Modify the visibility and tick labels for y-axis fig.update_layout(yaxis_visible=True, yaxis_showticklabels=True) # Modify the visibility and tick labels for x-axis, and remove the title fig.update_layout(xaxis_visible=True, xaxis_showticklabels=True) fig.update_xaxes(title="") # Remove x-axis title return fig return wrapper
[docs] class ChartGenerator: """Initialize a ChartGenerator instance with an empty Plotly figure. This constructor initializes a ChartGenerator instance with an empty Plotly figure, which can be used to create various types of charts. """ def __init__(self): self.fig = go.Figure() # Initialise to None attributes obtained with other methods self.kpi = None # Apply the decorator to a function that generates a Plotly figure
[docs] @chart_style_decorator def time_series_chart( self, df, xAxisConcept, yAxisConcept, color=None, group_by=None ): """Create a time series chart. :param df: DataFrame: the input DataFrame containing time series data. :param xAxisConcept: str: the concept for the x-axis data. :param yAxisConcept: str: the concept for the y-axis data. :param group_by: str, optional: the column to group by for multiline charts. :returns: self: the ChartGenerator instance. """ # Check if the group_by parameter is provided (not None). if group_by: # Group the DataFrame df by the specified column (group_by). grouped_data = df.groupby(group_by) # Iterate through each group formed by grouping. for group_name, group_df in grouped_data: # Add a trace (line) to the chart for this group. self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=group_df.index, # X-axis values from the group's index. y=group_df[ yAxisConcept ], # Y-axis values from the specified concept. mode="lines+markers", # Use lines with markers to show data. name=group_name, # Set the name (legend label) for this group. ) ) else: # If no group_by parameter is provided, # create a single-line time series chart. # Use Plotly Express (px) to create the chart. self.fig = px.line(df, x=xAxisConcept, y=yAxisConcept, color=color) # Return the created chart (Plotly figure) to the caller. return self.fig
# Apply the decorator to a function that generates a Plotly figure
[docs] @chart_style_decorator def pie_chart( self, df, xAxisConcept, yAxisConcept, group_by=None, LabelsYN=None, aggregation=None, ): """Create a pie chart. :param df: pd.DataFrame: the input DataFrame containing pie chart data. :param xAxisConcept: str: the concept for the x-axis data. :param yAxisConcept: str: the concept for the y-axis data. :param group_by: str, optional: the column to group by for multiple pie charts. :returns: self: the ChartGenerator instance. """ # Check if 'group_by' parameter is provided if group_by is not None: if aggregation is None: raise ValueError( "You must specify an aggregation function for yAxisConcept." ) if aggregation not in ["sum", "mean", "max", "min", "std"]: raise ValueError( "Invalid aggregation option. Supported options:\ 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'std'." ) # Group the data by the specified column(s) grouped_data = ( df.groupby(group_by).agg({yAxisConcept: aggregation}).reset_index() ) if LabelsYN == "Yes": # Create a pie chart self.fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Pie( labels=grouped_data[group_by], values=grouped_data[yAxisConcept], textinfo="percent+label", hole=0.7, ) ] ) # Define a custom hovertemplate custom_hovertemplate = "group_by: %{label}\ <br>yAxisConcept: %{value}<br>Percent computed: %{percent}" # Update the hovertemplate for each trace in the pie chart for trace in trace.hovertemplate = custom_hovertemplate else: # Create a pie chart self.fig = go.Figure( data=[go.Pie(values=grouped_data[yAxisConcept], hole=0.7)] ) # Remove hover labels (tooltip) completely self.fig.update_layout(hovermode=False) else: if LabelsYN == "Yes": # Create a pie chart using Plotly Express self.fig = px.pie( df, values=df[yAxisConcept], names=df[xAxisConcept], labels=df[xAxisConcept], hole=0.7, ) # Define what to display on the donut self.fig.update_traces(textposition="inside", textinfo="percent") # Define a custom hovertemplate custom_hovertemplate = "xAxisConcept: %{label}\ <br>yAxisConcept: %{value}<br>Percent computed: %{percent}" # Update the hovertemplate for each trace in the pie chart for trace in trace.hovertemplate = custom_hovertemplate else: # Create a pie chart using Plotly Express self.fig = px.pie( df, values=df[yAxisConcept], names=df[xAxisConcept], hole=0.7 ) # Remove hover labels (tooltip) completely self.fig.update_layout(hovermode=False) # Return the created chart (Plotly figure) to the caller. return self.fig
# Apply the decorator to a function that generates a Plotly figure
[docs] @chart_style_decorator def bar_chart( self, df, xAxisConcept, yAxisConcept, color=None, group_by=None, aggregation=None, ): """Create a bar chart. :param df: pd.DataFrame: the input containing bar chart data. :param xAxisConcept: str: the concept for the x-axis data. :param yAxisConcept: str: the concept for the y-axis data. :param group_by: str, optional: the column to group by for grouped bar charts. :returns: self: the ChartGenerator instance. """ # Check if the group_by parameter is provided (not None). if group_by: # Group the DataFrame df by the specified column (group_by). grouped_data = df.groupby(group_by) # Initialize empty lists to store x and y values for the chart. x_values = [] y_values = [] # Iterate through each group formed by grouping. for group_name, group_df in grouped_data: # Append the group_name (x-axis value) to the x_values list. x_values.append(group_name) try: # Attempt to calculate the aggregation of the yAxisConcept data # within this group. # If yAxisConcept contains numeric values, # perform the specified aggregation (e.g., 'sum', 'mean'). # If it's not numeric, set the value to NaN. y_values.append( group_df[yAxisConcept].agg([aggregation]).reset_index() if isinstance(group_df[yAxisConcept], (int, float)) else np.nan ) except Exception as e: # Handle exceptions if the aggregation option is invalid. print( e, "\n", "Invalid aggregation option.\ Supported options: 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'std'", ) # Return None to indicate an error condition. return None else: # If no group_by parameter is provided, # create a bar chart using Plotly Express (px). # Sort the DataFrame by the time series column (xAxisConcept) df = df.sort_values(by=xAxisConcept) self.fig =, x=xAxisConcept, y=yAxisConcept, color=color) # Return the created chart (Plotly figure) to the caller. return self.fig
[docs] def calculate_kpi( self, df, yAxisConcept, xAxisConcept, legendConcept, decimals=2, aggregation=None, group_by=None, ): """Calculate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on the provided DataFrame. :param df: pd.DataFrame: the DataFrame containing the data. :param xAxisConcept: str: the concept for the x-axis data. :param yAxisConcept: str: the concept for the y-axis data. :param legendConcept: str: the column name representing the legend :param group_by: str, optional: the column to group data by. :param decimals: int, optional: the number of decimals for rounding Y-axis (Default value = 2) :param aggregation: str, optional: the aggregation to apply to Y-axis data. :returns: dict: a dictionary containing legend values as keys :raises ValueError: If any of the specified columns are not found, if 'legendConcept' is None, or if invalid aggregation options are provided. """ try: # Check if 'decimals' is an integer, if not, set it to default value 2. if not isinstance(decimals, int): print("Decimals need to be an integer. Setting to default") decimals = 2 # Check if 'yAxisConcept' is a column in the DataFrame 'df'. if yAxisConcept not in df.columns: raise ValueError(f"Column '{yAxisConcept}' not found in the DataFrame.") # Check if 'xAxisConcept' is a column in the DataFrame 'df'. if xAxisConcept not in df.columns: raise ValueError(f"Column '{xAxisConcept}' not found in the DataFrame.") # Check if 'legendConcept' is not None. if legendConcept is None: raise ValueError("Column '{legendConcept}' not specified.") # If an aggregation function is specified: if aggregation: # If 'group_by' is specified: if group_by: # Group the DataFrame by 'group_by', # apply aggregation to 'yAxisConcept', and reset the index. tmp = ( df.groupby(group_by)[yAxisConcept] .agg([aggregation]) .reset_index() ) # Depending on the aggregation function, # perform additional operations. if aggregation in ["min", "max"]: tmp = df.merge(tmp, on=group_by) tmp = tmp[tmp[yAxisConcept] == tmp[aggregation]] elif aggregation in ["mean", "sum", "std"]: tmp[xAxisConcept] = df[xAxisConcept].unique().tolist()[0] tmp[legendConcept] = df[legendConcept].unique().tolist()[0] tmp[yAxisConcept] = tmp[aggregation] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid aggregation option.\ Supported options: 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'std'" ) else: # Depending on the aggregation function, # perform additional operations. if aggregation in ["min", "max"]: tmp = df.copy() tmp[aggregation] = df[yAxisConcept].agg(aggregation) tmp = tmp[tmp[yAxisConcept] == tmp[aggregation]] elif aggregation in ["mean", "sum", "std"]: tmp = df[yAxisConcept].agg(aggregation) tmp[xAxisConcept] = df[xAxisConcept].unique().tolist()[0] tmp[legendConcept] = df[legendConcept].unique().tolist()[0] tmp[yAxisConcept] = tmp[aggregation] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid aggregation option.\ Supported options: 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'std'" ) else: # If no aggregation is specified: if group_by: # If 'group_by' is specified without aggregation, raise an error. raise ValueError("Column '{aggregation}' not specified.") # If neither 'aggregation' nor 'group_by' is specified, # create a copy of 'df' as 'tmp'. tmp = df.copy() # Create a format pattern for formatting 'yAxisConcept' values # with the specified number of decimals. user_format_pattern = f"{{0:.{decimals}f}}" # Apply the format pattern to 'yAxisConcept' values in 'tmp'. tmp[yAxisConcept] = tmp[yAxisConcept].apply( lambda x: user_format_pattern.format(x) ) # Create a dictionary 'self.kpi' with legend values as keys # and corresponding data as values. self.kpi = { key: tmp[tmp[legendConcept] == key][[xAxisConcept, yAxisConcept]] .values.flatten() .tolist() for key in tmp[legendConcept].unique() } # Return the created 'self.kpi' dictionary. return self.kpi except Exception as e: # If any exception occurs during the execution, # print an error message and return a default empty dictionary. print(f"Error calculating KPIs: {str(e)}") # Return a default empty dictionary as a placeholder return {"": ["", ""]}