Source code for src.sdmx

"""Module providing sdmx utilities"""
import re

import aiohttp
import pandas as pd
import requests
import sdmxthon

[docs] class SDMXData: """A class to get the data from SDMX API in SDMX format :param url_data: the API URL from which to pull the data """ def __init__(self, data): self.url_data = data
[docs] def get_data(self, yAxisConcept: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns a Pandas DataFrame with the data requested and optionally set the yAxisConcept as float. :param yAxisConcept: str, optional: the y-axis to convert to numeric. :returns: pd.DataFrame: the requested data. """ try: response = requests.get(self.url_data, timeout=30) if response.status_code == 200: try: message = sdmxthon.read_sdmx(response.text) resource = message.payload[list(message.payload)[0]] data = if yAxisConcept: data[yAxisConcept] = pd.to_numeric( data[yAxisConcept], errors="coerce" ) if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("Data is not a Pandas dataframe") return data except Exception as e: print(e) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] async def get_data_async(self, yAxisConcept: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Asynchronously returns a Pandas DataFrame with the data requested and optionally set the yAxisConcept as float. :param yAxisConcept: str, optional: the y-axis to convert to numeric. :returns: pd.DataFrame: the requested data. """ try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(self.url_data) as response: if response.status == 200: try: message = sdmxthon.read_sdmx(await response.text()) resource = message.payload[list(message.payload)[0]] data = if yAxisConcept: data[yAxisConcept] = pd.to_numeric( data[yAxisConcept], errors="coerce" ) if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("Data is not a Pandas dataframe") return data except Exception as e: print(e) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e)
def _check_string(string: str, url: str): """Checks that the url contains the string and if not formats it appropriately :param string: str: the string that needs to be contained in the url :param url: str: the url :returns: str: the formatted url """ try: if string in url: pass elif "?" in url: url = url + "&" + string else: url = url + "?" + string except Exception as e: print(e) return url
[docs] def get_components(url: str, descendants: bool = True): """Retrieve a dictionary with the SDMX data :param url: str: the API URL from which to pull the data :param descendants: bool: whether to include all descendants in the call to the API (Default = True) :returns: dict: a dictionary in JSON format with the data/metadata requested. """ try: if descendants: url = _check_string("references=descendants", url) with requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=30) as response: message = sdmxthon.read_sdmx(response.text, validate=False) components_available = list(message.payload) components = {i: message.payload[i] for i in components_available} if components: return components except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] async def get_components_async(url: str, descendants: bool = True): """Asynchronously retrieve a dictionary with the SDMX data :param url: str: the API URL from which to pull the data :param descendants: bool: whether to include all descendants in the call to the API (Default = True) :returns: dict: a dictionary in JSON format with the data/metadata requested """ try: if descendants: url = _check_string("references=descendants", url) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as response: message = sdmxthon.read_sdmx(await response.text(), validate=False) components_available = list(message.payload) components = {i: message.payload[i] for i in components_available} if components: return components except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] class SDMXMetadata: """A class to get the metadata from SDMX API in SDMX format :param component: any object compatible with the `Component object \ <>`_ :param concept: a string that denotes the concept to translate """ def __init__(self, components, concept: str = None): self.components = components self.concept = concept # Initialise to None attributes obtained with other methods self.cl_id_name = None self.cl_id_des = None self.cl_items = None
[docs] def parse_message(self, component_type): """Parses the appropriate component and returns children artefacts. :param component_type: a string that can only take the following values: Dataflows, Codelists, DataStructures, Concepts :returns: a dictionary with the children artefacts associated to a component type. """ valid = {"Dataflows", "Codelists", "DataStructures", "Concepts"} if component_type not in valid: raise ValueError(f"Error: component_type must be one of {valid}.") try: if component_type == "Codelists": content = self.components[component_type] else: component_id = list(self.components[component_type])[0] content = self.components[component_type][component_id] if content: return content except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] def dataflow_metadata(self): """Returns a dictionary with the name and description of the dataflow""" dataflow = self.parse_message(component_type="Dataflows") if dataflow: try: dataflow_name = dataflow_description = dataflow.description if not dataflow_description: dataflow_description = "" return {"name": dataflow_name, "description": dataflow_description} except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] def datastructure_metadata(self): """Returns a dictionary with the id, dimensions, attributes and measures of the queried DSD """ try: dsd = self.parse_message(component_type="DataStructures") if dsd: try: try: dsd_id = except Exception as e: print(e) dsd_id = "" try: dsd_dimensions = dsd.dimension_codes except Exception as e: print(e) dsd_dimensions = "" try: dsd_attributes = dsd.attribute_codes except Exception as e: print(e) dsd_attributes = "" try: dsd_measure = dsd.measure_code except Exception as e: print(e) dsd_measure = "" return { "id": dsd_id, "dim": dsd_dimensions, "attr": dsd_attributes, "measure": dsd_measure, } except Exception as e: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] def get_codelists(self): """Returns a `model.itemScheme.Codelist\ <>`_ """ try: codelists = self.parse_message(component_type="Codelists") return codelists except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] def get_codelist_name(self, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a string with the Agency, ID and version of of the codelist or a `model.itemScheme.Codelist\ <>`_ if all descendants are included in the SDMX URL call """ default = {"mode": "auto"} mode = {**default, **kwargs}["mode"] if mode == "auto": dsd = self.parse_message(component_type="DataStructures") dsd_components = list(dsd.content.keys()) for dsd_component in dsd_components: try: cl_name = dsd.content[dsd_component][ self.concept ].local_representation.codelist except Exception as e: print(e) cl_name = "" return cl_name
[docs] def get_cl(self): """Returns a Tuple with the name (str), description (str) and `model.itemScheme.Code\ <>`_ """ try: cl_id = self.get_codelist_name() try: self.cl_id_name = except Exception as e: print(e) self.cl_id_name = self.concept try: self.cl_id_des = cl_id.description except Exception as e: print(e) self.cl_id_des = "" self.cl_items = cl_id.items return self.cl_id_name, self.cl_id_des, self.cl_items except Exception as e: print("Error: " + str(e))
[docs] def get_url_cl(url_dsd, cl_name): """get_url_cl returns a string with the URL of the codelist :param url_dsd: the API URL of the DSD :param cl_name: the Agency, ID and version of the codelist (eg ESTAT:CL_AREA(1.0)) :returns: a string with the URL to query against the API """ endpoint = url_dsd.split("datastructure")[0] agency_id = re.sub(":", "","(.+?):", cl_name).group()) resource_id = re.sub(":", "","(?<=\:)(.*?)(?=\()", cl_name).group()) version = re.sub(":", "","(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))", cl_name).group()) cl_url = ( endpoint + "codelist/" + agency_id + "/" + resource_id + "/" + version + "?detail=full" ) return cl_url
[docs] def get_cl_item_name(items, item): """get_cl_item_name returns a string with code name :param items: a dictionary with the codes of the codelist :param item: a string with the code name :returns: the code name """ cl_items = items if cl_items: try: cl_item = cl_items[item] cl_item_name = return cl_item_name except Exception as e: print(f"The code {item} could not be found in the codelist. Error:{e}") return {"en": {"locale": "English", "content": item}}
[docs] def get_translation(content, locale: str = "en"): """get_translation returns a translated string, if any language other than\ is available. Only fr, es, de are currently supported\ but this list can be easily expanded. If no language is detected, it defaults back to English :param content: a dictionary of dictionaries to translate :param locale: str: the language code (en, es, de, fr); defaults to "en". :returns: the string translated if any language is available """ try: try: name = content["".join(locale)]["content"] except Exception as e: print(f"Get translation raised Exception: {e}") try: name = content["en"]["content"] except Exception as e_n: print(e_n) try: name = content except Exception as e_nn: print(e_nn) name = "" return name except Exception as e: print(f"Get translation raised Exception: {e}")
[docs] def translate_df(df, concept, items_translated): """translate_df returns a translated Pandas DataFrame :param df: a Pandas DataFrame :param concept: a string with the column to translate :param items_translated: a dictionary with the codes translated :returns: pd.DataFrame: the translated DataFrame """ if concept: try: if items_translated: try: df[concept + "_id"] = df[concept] df[concept] = df[concept].map(items_translated) except Exception as e: print(e) df[concept + "_id"] = df[concept] except Exception as e: print(e) return df
[docs] def retreive_codes_from_data(df, concept, cl_id): """Retrieves metadata codelists from data""" try: codes_df = list(set(df[concept])) cl_items = {i: get_cl_item_name(cl_id.items, i) for i in codes_df} if cl_id.description is None: metadata_codelist = { "name":, "description": "", "items": cl_items, } else: metadata_codelist = { "name":, "description": cl_id.description, "items": cl_items, } except Exception as e: print(f"Could not retreive codes in data. Error{e}") metadata_codelist = { "name":, "description": cl_id.description, "items": "", } return metadata_codelist