
Functions to support the use of gingado

Support for model documentation


get_datetime ()

Returns the time now
d = get_datetime()
assert isinstance(d, str)
assert len(d) > 0


read_attr (obj)

Reads and yields the type and values of fitted attributes from an object.

    obj: Object from which attributes will be read.

Function read_attr helps gingado Documenters to read the object behind the scenes.

It collects the type of estimator, and any attributes resulting from fitting an object (in ie, those that end in “_” without being double underscores).

For example, the attributes of an untrained and a trained random forest are, in sequence:

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
rf_unfit = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=3)
rf_fit = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=3)\
    .fit([[1, 0], [0, 1]], [[0.5], [0.5]]) # random numbers
list(read_attr(rf_unfit)), list(read_attr(rf_fit))
([{'_estimator_type': 'regressor'}],
 [{'_estimator_type': 'regressor'},
  {'estimator_': DecisionTreeRegressor()},
  {'estimators_': [DecisionTreeRegressor(max_features=1.0, random_state=352967703),
    DecisionTreeRegressor(max_features=1.0, random_state=1346575655),
    DecisionTreeRegressor(max_features=1.0, random_state=168455287)]},
  {'estimators_samples_': [array([1, 0]), array([1, 1]), array([1, 0])]},
  {'feature_importances_': array([0., 0.])},
  {'n_features_in_': 2},
  {'n_outputs_': 1}])

Support for time series

Objects of the class Lag are similar to scikit-learn’s transformers.


Lag (lags=1, jump=0, keep_contemporaneous_X=False)

A transformer for lagging variables.

    lags (int): The number of lags to apply.
    jump (int): The number of initial observations to skip before applying the lag.
    keep_contemporaneous_X (bool): Whether to keep the contemporaneous values of X in the output.


fit (self, X: numpy.ndarray, y=None)

Fits the Lag transformer.

    X (np.ndarray): Array-like data of shape (n_samples, n_features).
    y: Array-like data of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) or None.

    self: A fitted version of the `Lag` instance.


transform (self, X: numpy.ndarray)

Applies the lag transformation to the dataset `X`.

    X (np.ndarray): Array-like data of shape (n_samples, n_features).

    A lagged version of `X`.


fit_transform (self, X, y=None, **fit_params)

Fit to data, then transform it.

Fits transformer to `X` and `y` with optional parameters `fit_params`
and returns a transformed version of `X`.

X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
    Input samples.

y :  array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs),                 default=None
    Target values (None for unsupervised transformations).

**fit_params : dict
    Additional fit parameters.

X_new : ndarray array of shape (n_samples, n_features_new)
    Transformed array.

The code below demonstrates how Lag works in practice. Note in particular that, because Lag is a transformer, it can be used as part of a scikit-learn’s Pipeline.

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
randomX = np.random.rand(15, 2)
randomY = np.random.rand(15)

lags = 3
jump = 2

pipe = Pipeline([
    ('scaler', StandardScaler()),
    ('lagger', Lag(lags=lags, jump=jump, keep_contemporaneous_X=False))
]).fit_transform(randomX, randomY)

Below we confirm that the lagger removes the correct number of rows corresponding to the lagged observations:

assert randomX.shape[0] - lags - jump == pipe.shape[0]

And because Lag is a transformer, its parameters (lags and jump) can be calibrated using hyperparameter tuning to achieve the best performance for a model.

Support for data augmentation with SDMX


please note that working with SDMX may take some minutes depending on the amount of information you are downloading.


list_SDMX_sources ()

Fetches the list of SDMX sources.

    The list of codes representing the SDMX sources available for data download.
sources = list_SDMX_sources()

assert len(sources) > 0
# all elements are of type 'str'
assert sum([isinstance(src, str) for src in sources]) == len(sources)


list_all_dataflows (codes_only: bool = False, return_pandas: bool = True)

Lists all SDMX dataflows. Note: When using as a parameter to an `AugmentSDMX` object
or to the `load_SDMX_data` function, set `codes_only=True`"

    codes_only (bool): Whether to return only the dataflow codes.
    return_pandas (bool): Whether to return the result in a pandas DataFrame format.

    All available dataflows for all SDMX sources.
dflows = list_all_dataflows(return_pandas=False)

assert isinstance(dflows, dict)
all_sources = list_SDMX_sources()
assert len([s for s in dflows.keys() if s in all_sources]) == len(dflows.keys())

--- SS without structure ---
1 (140728747105224) False

--- <class 'sdmx.message.StructureMessage'> ---
2 (2860620953424) <sdmx.StructureMessage>
    id: 'C2C8DEB97684424693070ED3366216DD'
    prepared: '2024-10-21T11:23:21.319000+00:00'
    sender: <Agency ESTAT>
    test: False

--- <class 'sdmx.model.common.Annotation'> ---
10 (2860615702224) Annotation(id=None, title='DATASET', type='DISSEMINATION_OBJECT_TYPE', url=None, text=)
14 (2860615702672) Annotation(id=None, title='685', type='OBS_COUNT', url=None, text=)
18 (2860620797776) Annotation(id=None, title='1999', type='OBS_PERIOD_OVERALL_OLDEST', url=None, text=)
22 (2860589958992) Annotation(id=None, title='2022', type='OBS_PERIOD_OVERALL_LATEST', url=None, text=)
26 (2860620511824) Annotation(id=None, title='2020-09-17T13:28:00+0200', type='CREATED', url=None, text=)
30 (2860620376976) Annotation(id=None, title='2023-10-25T23:00:00+0200', type='UPDATE_STRUCTURE', url=None, text=)
34 (2860619886928) Annotation(id=None, title='2023-10-25T23:00:00+0200', type='UPDATE_DATA', url=None, text=)
39 (2860614709072) Annotation(id=None, title='Explanatory texts (metadata)', type='ESMS_HTML', url='https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/reg_lmk_esms.htm', text=)
44 (2860620804880) Annotation(id=None, title='Explanatory texts (metadata)', type='ESMS_SDMX', url='https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/api/dissemination/files?file=metadata/reg_lmk_esms.sdmx.zip', text=)
50 (2860620718096) Annotation(id=None, title=None, type='SOURCE_INSTITUTIONS', url=None, text=de: Eurostat
en: Eurostat
fr: Eurostat)
54 (2860605908496) Annotation(id=None, title='<adms:identifier xmlns:adms="http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#" xmlns:skos="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core.html" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"><adms:Identifier rdf:about="https://doi.org/10.2908/LFST_R_LMDGEG"><skos:notation rdf:datatype="http://purl.org/spar/datacite/doi">10.2908/LFST_R_LMDGEG</skos:notation><dct:creator rdf:resource="http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/corporate-body/ESTAT"/><dct:issued rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date">2023-01-19</dct:issued></adms:Identifier></adms:identifier>', type='DISSEMINATION_DOI_XML', url=None, text=)

--- Name ---
55 (2860621135168) ('de', 'Regionale Disparitäten bei den geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschieden in der Beschäftigung (NUTS-Ebene 2)')
56 (2860621695040) ('fr', "Disparités régionales des écarts d'emploi entre les hommes et les femmes (niveau NUTS 2)")
57 (2860621434304) ('en', 'Regional disparities in gender employment gap (NUTS level 2)')

--- Structure ---
LFST_R_LMDGEG (2860621808256) DataStructureDefinition=ESTAT:LFST_R_LMDGEG(26.0) → DataStructureDefinition=LFST_R_LMDGEG

<s:Dataflow xmlns:s="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/structure" xmlns:m="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/message" xmlns:c="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/common" id="LFST_R_LMDGEG" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.Dataflow=ESTAT:LFST_R_LMDGEG(1.0)" agencyID="ESTAT" version="1.0">

list_all_dataflows returns by default a pandas Series, facilitating data discovery by users like so:

dflows = list_all_dataflows(return_pandas=True)
assert type(dflows) == pd.core.series.Series


--- SS without structure ---
1 (140728747105224) False

--- <class 'sdmx.message.StructureMessage'> ---
2 (2860529403664) <sdmx.StructureMessage>
    id: 'C2C8DEB97684424693070ED3366216DD'
    prepared: '2024-10-21T11:23:21.319000+00:00'
    sender: <Agency ESTAT>
    test: False

--- <class 'sdmx.model.common.Annotation'> ---
10 (2860526463632) Annotation(id=None, title='DATASET', type='DISSEMINATION_OBJECT_TYPE', url=None, text=)
14 (2860527187024) Annotation(id=None, title='685', type='OBS_COUNT', url=None, text=)
18 (2860526431696) Annotation(id=None, title='1999', type='OBS_PERIOD_OVERALL_OLDEST', url=None, text=)
22 (2860526429520) Annotation(id=None, title='2022', type='OBS_PERIOD_OVERALL_LATEST', url=None, text=)
26 (2860529408848) Annotation(id=None, title='2020-09-17T13:28:00+0200', type='CREATED', url=None, text=)
30 (2860529411344) Annotation(id=None, title='2023-10-25T23:00:00+0200', type='UPDATE_STRUCTURE', url=None, text=)
34 (2860526462160) Annotation(id=None, title='2023-10-25T23:00:00+0200', type='UPDATE_DATA', url=None, text=)
39 (2860529412048) Annotation(id=None, title='Explanatory texts (metadata)', type='ESMS_HTML', url='https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/reg_lmk_esms.htm', text=)
44 (2860526361040) Annotation(id=None, title='Explanatory texts (metadata)', type='ESMS_SDMX', url='https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/api/dissemination/files?file=metadata/reg_lmk_esms.sdmx.zip', text=)
50 (2860527178768) Annotation(id=None, title=None, type='SOURCE_INSTITUTIONS', url=None, text=de: Eurostat
en: Eurostat
fr: Eurostat)
54 (2860526655056) Annotation(id=None, title='<adms:identifier xmlns:adms="http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#" xmlns:skos="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core.html" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"><adms:Identifier rdf:about="https://doi.org/10.2908/LFST_R_LMDGEG"><skos:notation rdf:datatype="http://purl.org/spar/datacite/doi">10.2908/LFST_R_LMDGEG</skos:notation><dct:creator rdf:resource="http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/corporate-body/ESTAT"/><dct:issued rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date">2023-01-19</dct:issued></adms:Identifier></adms:identifier>', type='DISSEMINATION_DOI_XML', url=None, text=)

--- Name ---
55 (2860528919552) ('de', 'Regionale Disparitäten bei den geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschieden in der Beschäftigung (NUTS-Ebene 2)')
56 (2860528936256) ('fr', "Disparités régionales des écarts d'emploi entre les hommes et les femmes (niveau NUTS 2)")
57 (2860526197696) ('en', 'Regional disparities in gender employment gap (NUTS level 2)')

--- Structure ---
LFST_R_LMDGEG (2860526809536) DataStructureDefinition=ESTAT:LFST_R_LMDGEG(26.0) → DataStructureDefinition=LFST_R_LMDGEG

<s:Dataflow xmlns:s="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/structure" xmlns:m="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/message" xmlns:c="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/common" id="LFST_R_LMDGEG" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.Dataflow=ESTAT:LFST_R_LMDGEG(1.0)" agencyID="ESTAT" version="1.0">
ABS   ABORIGINAL_POP_PROJ                 Projected population, Aboriginal and Torres St...
      ABORIGINAL_POP_PROJ_REMOTE          Projected population, Aboriginal and Torres St...
      ABS_ABORIGINAL_POPPROJ_INDREGION    Projected population, Aboriginal and Torres St...
      ABS_ACLD_LFSTATUS                   Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset (ACLD):...
      ABS_ACLD_TENURE                     Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset (ACLD):...
UNSD  DF_UNData_UNFCC                                                       SDMX_GHG_UNDATA
WB    DF_WITS_Tariff_TRAINS                                WITS - UNCTAD TRAINS Tariff Data
      DF_WITS_TradeStats_Development                             WITS TradeStats Devlopment
      DF_WITS_TradeStats_Tariff                                      WITS TradeStats Tariff
      DF_WITS_TradeStats_Trade                                        WITS TradeStats Trade
Name: dataflow, Length: 24655, dtype: object

This format allows for more easily searching dflows by source:

list_all_dataflows(codes_only=True, return_pandas=True)

--- SS without structure ---
1 (140728747105224) False

--- <class 'sdmx.message.StructureMessage'> ---
2 (2860575408592) <sdmx.StructureMessage>
    id: 'C2C8DEB97684424693070ED3366216DD'
    prepared: '2024-10-21T11:23:21.319000+00:00'
    sender: <Agency ESTAT>
    test: False

--- <class 'sdmx.model.common.Annotation'> ---
10 (2860575415824) Annotation(id=None, title='DATASET', type='DISSEMINATION_OBJECT_TYPE', url=None, text=)
14 (2860575409424) Annotation(id=None, title='685', type='OBS_COUNT', url=None, text=)
18 (2860577871056) Annotation(id=None, title='1999', type='OBS_PERIOD_OVERALL_OLDEST', url=None, text=)
22 (2860577867088) Annotation(id=None, title='2022', type='OBS_PERIOD_OVERALL_LATEST', url=None, text=)
26 (2860577866320) Annotation(id=None, title='2020-09-17T13:28:00+0200', type='CREATED', url=None, text=)
30 (2860576861328) Annotation(id=None, title='2023-10-25T23:00:00+0200', type='UPDATE_STRUCTURE', url=None, text=)
34 (2860576271760) Annotation(id=None, title='2023-10-25T23:00:00+0200', type='UPDATE_DATA', url=None, text=)
39 (2860577376464) Annotation(id=None, title='Explanatory texts (metadata)', type='ESMS_HTML', url='https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/reg_lmk_esms.htm', text=)
44 (2860576952656) Annotation(id=None, title='Explanatory texts (metadata)', type='ESMS_SDMX', url='https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/api/dissemination/files?file=metadata/reg_lmk_esms.sdmx.zip', text=)
50 (2860576755536) Annotation(id=None, title=None, type='SOURCE_INSTITUTIONS', url=None, text=de: Eurostat
en: Eurostat
fr: Eurostat)
54 (2860577875280) Annotation(id=None, title='<adms:identifier xmlns:adms="http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#" xmlns:skos="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core.html" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"><adms:Identifier rdf:about="https://doi.org/10.2908/LFST_R_LMDGEG"><skos:notation rdf:datatype="http://purl.org/spar/datacite/doi">10.2908/LFST_R_LMDGEG</skos:notation><dct:creator rdf:resource="http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/corporate-body/ESTAT"/><dct:issued rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date">2023-01-19</dct:issued></adms:Identifier></adms:identifier>', type='DISSEMINATION_DOI_XML', url=None, text=)

--- Name ---
55 (2860530071360) ('de', 'Regionale Disparitäten bei den geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschieden in der Beschäftigung (NUTS-Ebene 2)')
56 (2860529467264) ('fr', "Disparités régionales des écarts d'emploi entre les hommes et les femmes (niveau NUTS 2)")
57 (2860530507712) ('en', 'Regional disparities in gender employment gap (NUTS level 2)')

--- Structure ---
LFST_R_LMDGEG (2860554480880) DataStructureDefinition=ESTAT:LFST_R_LMDGEG(26.0) → DataStructureDefinition=LFST_R_LMDGEG

<s:Dataflow xmlns:s="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/structure" xmlns:m="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/message" xmlns:c="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v3_0/common" id="LFST_R_LMDGEG" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.Dataflow=ESTAT:LFST_R_LMDGEG(1.0)" agencyID="ESTAT" version="1.0">
ABS   0                 ABORIGINAL_POP_PROJ
      3                   ABS_ACLD_LFSTATUS
      4                     ABS_ACLD_TENURE
UNSD  3                     DF_UNData_UNFCC
WB    0               DF_WITS_Tariff_TRAINS
      1      DF_WITS_TradeStats_Development
      2           DF_WITS_TradeStats_Tariff
      3            DF_WITS_TradeStats_Trade
Name: dataflow, Length: 24655, dtype: object
BIS_REL_CAL                                     BIS_RELEASE_CALENDAR
WS_CBPOL                                                 Policy rate
WS_CBS_PUB                                  BIS consolidated banking
WS_CBTA                                    Central bank total assets
WS_CPMI_CASHLESS                      CPMI cashless payments (T5,T6)
WS_CPMI_CT1                           CPMI comparative tables type 1
WS_CPMI_CT2                           CPMI comparative tables type 2
WS_CPMI_DEVICES                            CPMI payment devices (T4)
WS_CPMI_INSTITUT                              CPMI institutions (T3)
WS_CPMI_MACRO                                     CPMI macro (T1,T2)
WS_CPMI_PARTICIP                  CPMI participants (T7,T10,T12,T15)
WS_CPMI_SYSTEMS     CPMI systems (T8,T9,T11,T13,T14,T16,T17,T18,T19)
WS_CPP                                    Commercial property prices
WS_CREDIT_GAP                                 BIS credit-to-GDP gaps
WS_DEBT_SEC2_PUB    BIS international debt securities (BIS-compiled)
WS_DER_OTC_TOV                              OTC derivatives turnover
WS_DPP                          Detailed residential property prices
WS_DSR                                        BIS debt service ratio
WS_EER                                  BIS effective exchange rates
WS_GLI                                   Global liquidity indicators
WS_LBS_D_PUB                                  BIS locational banking
WS_LONG_CPI                                 BIS long consumer prices
WS_NA_SEC_C3                          BIS debt securities statistics
WS_NA_SEC_DSS                         BIS Debt securities statistics
WS_OTC_DERIV2                            OTC derivatives outstanding
WS_SPP                          Selected residential property prices
WS_TC                                BIS long series on total credit
WS_XRU                                      US dollar exchange rates
WS_XTD_DERIV                             Exchange traded derivatives
Name: dataflow, dtype: object

Or the user can search dataflows by their human-readable name instead of their code. For example, this is one way to see if any dataflow has information on interest rates:

dflows[dflows.str.contains('Interest rate', case=False)]
ECB    IRS                                            Interest rate statistics
       MIR                                        MFI Interest Rate Statistics
       RIR                                               Retail Interest Rates
ESTAT  EI_MFIR_M                                 Interest rates - monthly data
       ENPE_IRT_LD                     Loan and deposit one year interest rate
       ENPE_IRT_ST                                 Money market interest rates
       TEIMF040                                          3-month-interest rate
       TEIMF100                         Day-to-day money market interest rates
       IRT_ST_A                      Money market interest rates - annual data
       IRT_ST_M                     Money market interest rates - monthly data
       IRT_ST_Q                   Money market interest rates - quarterly data
IMF    6SR                   M&B: Interest Rates and Share Prices (6SR) for...
       INR                                                      Interest rates
       INR_NSTD                                    Interest rates_Non-Standard
NB     GOVT_GENERIC_RATES                               Generic interest rates
       GOVT_IRS                                            Interest rate swaps
Name: dataflow, dtype: object

The function load_SDMX_data is a convenience function that downloads data from SDMX sources (and any specific dataflows passed as arguments) if they match the key and parameters set by the user.


load_SDMX_data (sources: dict, keys: dict, params: dict, verbose: bool = True)

Loads datasets from SDMX.

    sources (dict): A dictionary with the sources and dataflows per source.
    keys (dict): The keys to be used in the SDMX query.
    params (dict): The parameters to be used in the SDMX query.
    verbose (bool): Whether to communicate download steps to the user.

    A pandas DataFrame with data from SDMX or None if no data matches the sources, keys, and parameters.
df = load_SDMX_data(sources={'ECB': 'CISS', 'BIS': 'WS_CBPOL_D'}, keys={'FREQ': 'D'}, params={'startPeriod': 2003})

assert type(df) == pd.DataFrame
assert df.shape[0] > 0
assert df.shape[1] > 0
Querying data from ECB's dataflow 'CISS' - Composite Indicator of Systemic Stress...
Querying data from BIS's dataflow 'WS_CBPOL' - Policy rate...

Temporal features

Temporal features, such as the day of the week, month, or hour, provide valuable information for time series data, helping to capture seasonality, trends, and cyclic patterns. These features are especially useful because they represent known future information that can enhance model predictions. The gingado library offers the get_timefeat method to extract these features from a time series:


get_timefeat (df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | pandas.core.series.Series, freq: str | gingado.internals.Frequency, columns: list[str] | None = None, add_to_df: bool = True) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Generate temporal features from a DataFrame with a DatetimeIndex.

This function creates various time-based features such as day of week,
day of month, week of year, etc., based on the DatetimeIndex of the input DataFrame.

    df (pd.DataFrame | pd.Series): Input DataFrame or Series with a DatetimeIndex.
    freq (FrequencyLike): Frequency of the input DataFrame. Can either be a string which is
        a supported pandas frequency alias or an gingado-interal Frequency object.
    columns (list[str], optional): List of colums with temporal feature names that should be
        kept. If None, all default temporal features are returned. Defaults to None.
    add_to_df (bool, optional): If True, append the generated features to the input DataFrame.
        If False, return only the generated features. Defaults to True.

    pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the generated temporal features,
        either appended to the input DataFrame or as a separate DataFrame.

    ValueError: If the input DataFrame's index is not a DatetimeIndex.

For instance, using daily data from a DataFrame:

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame

# Extract temporal features for daily data
temporal = get_timefeat(df, freq="D", add_to_df=False)
2003-01-01 0.017774 0.042273 NaN 0.107753 0.028552 0.053814 0.005528 0.061118 0.004191 0.057108 ... NaN 1.25 2.75 NaN NaN NaN 0.75 NaN 5.31 5.25
2003-01-02 0.023427 0.047823 NaN 0.148028 0.039988 0.075186 0.013415 0.048480 0.014820 0.064289 ... 44.0 1.25 2.75 13.5 4.75 5.99 0.75 3.0 5.31 5.25
2003-01-03 0.021899 0.043292 NaN 0.141700 0.040378 0.077400 0.014249 0.047644 0.016874 0.064880 ... 44.0 1.25 2.75 13.5 4.75 6.05 0.75 3.0 5.31 5.25
2003-01-04 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 1.25 2.75 13.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.31 5.25
2003-01-05 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 1.25 2.75 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.31 5.25

5 rows × 61 columns

day_of_week day_of_month day_of_quarter day_of_year week_of_month week_of_quarter week_of_year month_of_quarter month_of_year quarter_of_year quarter_end year_end
2003-01-01 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2003-01-02 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2003-01-03 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2003-01-04 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2003-01-05 6 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

You can also integrate the temporal features directly into the original DataFrame by setting the add_to_df parameter to True:

# Generate a sample DataFrame with a weekly index
df_weekly = pd.DataFrame(
    data={"value": rng.normal(size=100)},
    index=pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=100, freq='W-MON')

# Add temporal features to the weekly data
df_with_timefeat = get_timefeat(df_weekly, freq="W", add_to_df=True)
value week_of_month week_of_quarter week_of_year month_of_quarter month_of_year quarter_of_year quarter_end year_end
2000-01-03 0.304717 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2000-01-10 -1.039984 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
2000-01-17 0.750451 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0
2000-01-24 0.940565 4 4 4 1 1 1 0 0
2000-01-31 -1.951035 5 5 5 1 1 1 0 0

If you only need a subset of the temporal features, you can specify the desired feature names:

# Generate a new DataFrame with a monthly index
df_monthly = pd.DataFrame(
    data={"value": rng.normal(size=24)},
    index=pd.date_range("2023-01-01", periods=24, freq='MS')
# Only select a subset of temporal features:
df_with_timefeat = get_timefeat(df_monthly, freq="MS", columns=["month_of_year", "quarter_of_year"])
value month_of_year quarter_of_year
2023-01-01 -0.378163 1 1
2023-02-01 1.299228 2 1
2023-03-01 -0.356264 3 1
2023-04-01 0.737516 4 2
2023-05-01 -0.933618 5 2

In addition to get_timefeat, the gingado library provides the TemporalFeatureTransformer class, which can be used to transform a DataFrame with a temporal index into a DataFrame with additional features:

temp_trf = TemporalFeatureTransformer(freq="W", features=["week_of_month", "week_of_year", "quarter_of_year"])
df_with_timefeat = temp_trf.fit_transform(df_weekly)
value week_of_month week_of_year quarter_of_year
2000-01-03 0.304717 1 1 1
2000-01-10 -1.039984 2 2 1
2000-01-17 0.750451 3 3 1
2000-01-24 0.940565 4 4 1
2000-01-31 -1.951035 5 5 1